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Solves $$arg\min_x 0.5 x'P x + c'x$$ s.t. $$A x = b$$ $$G x \leq h$$ $$x_{lb} \leq x \leq x_{ub}$$ for real matrices P (nxn, positive semidefinite), A (pxn) with m number of equality constraints, and G (mxn) with m number of inequality constraints


  P = NULL,
  c = NULL,
  A = NULL,
  b = NULL,
  G = NULL,
  h = NULL,
  x_lb = NULL,
  x_ub = NULL,
  settings = list(),
  backend = c("auto", "sparse", "dense")



dense or sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix or coercible into such, must be positive semidefinite


numeric vector


dense or sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix or coercible into such


numeric vector


dense or sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix or coercible into such


numeric vector


a numeric vector of lower bounds, default NULL indicating -Inf for all variables, otherwise should be number of variables long


a numeric vector of upper bounds, default NULL indicating Inf for all variables, otherwise should be number of variables long


list with optimization parameters, empty by default; see piqp_settings() for a comprehensive list of parameters that may be used


which backend to use, if auto and P, A or G are sparse then sparse backend is used ("auto", "sparse" or "dense") ("auto")


A list with elements solution elements


Schwan, R., Jiang, Y., Kuhn, D., Jones, C.N. (2023). ``PIQP: A Proximal Interior-Point Quadratic Programming Solver.'' doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.00290

See also

piqp(), piqp_settings() and the underlying PIQP documentation:


## example, adapted from PIQP documentation

P <- Matrix(c(6., 0.,
              0., 4.), 2, 2, sparse = TRUE)
c <- c(-1., -4.)
A <- Matrix(c(1., -2.), 1, 2, sparse = TRUE)
b <- c(1.)
G <- Matrix(c(1., 2., -1., 0.), 2, 2, sparse = TRUE)
h <- c(0.2, -1.)
x_lb <- c(-1., -Inf)
x_ub <- c(1., Inf)

settings <- list(verbose = TRUE)

# Solve with PIQP
res <- solve_piqp(P, c, A, b, G, h, x_lb, x_ub, settings)
#> ----------------------------------------------------------
#>                            PIQP                           
#>                     (c) Roland Schwan                     
#>    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) 2023   
#> ----------------------------------------------------------
#> sparse backend
#> variables n = 2, nzz(P upper triangular) = 2
#> equality constraints p = 1, nnz(A) = 2
#> inequality constraints m = 2, nnz(G) = 3
#> variable lower bounds n_lb = 1
#> variable upper bounds n_ub = 1
#> iter  prim_obj       dual_obj       duality_gap   prim_inf      dual_inf      rho         delta       mu          p_step   d_step
#>   0    2.43682e+00   -2.58316e+00   5.01997e+00   2.22782e+00   2.07114e+01   1.000e-06   1.000e-04   1.068e+01   0.0000   0.0000
#>   1    6.54472e+00    3.11191e+00   3.43282e+00   2.20398e-02   2.07118e-01   8.792e-08   8.792e-06   9.387e-01   0.9900   0.9900
#>   2    6.11927e+00    5.84978e+00   2.69498e-01   4.47812e-03   5.52769e-02   6.007e-09   6.007e-07   6.414e-02   0.7962   0.9607
#>   3    6.16036e+00    6.15648e+00   3.87581e-03   4.43795e-05   8.10844e-04   1.000e-10   8.432e-09   9.003e-04   0.9900   0.9870
#>   4    6.16000e+00    6.15996e+00   3.87634e-05   4.43739e-07   8.10934e-06   1.000e-10   1.000e-10   9.007e-06   0.9900   0.9900
#>   5    6.16000e+00    6.16000e+00   3.87671e-07   4.43738e-09   8.10935e-08   1.000e-10   1.000e-10   9.008e-08   0.9900   0.9900
#>   6    6.16000e+00    6.16000e+00   3.87708e-09   4.43737e-11   8.10932e-10   1.000e-10   1.000e-10   9.008e-10   0.9900   0.9900
#> status:               solved
#> number of iterations: 6
#> objective:            6.16000e+00
#> [1] -0.6 -0.8