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Installing using pip

PIQP can be directly installed via pip:

pip install piqp

Installing using conda

PIQP can be directly installed via anaconda/miniconda:

conda install -c conda-forge piqp

Building and Installing from Source

To build PIQP it is required to have CMake, Eigen 3.3.4+ and a compatible compiler like GCC, Clang, or Visual Studio with C++ extensions on Windows installed. CMake and a compatible compiler should already be installed on most systems.

Installing Eigen

on macOS via Homebrew

brew install eigen

on Ubuntu

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

on Windows via Chocolatey

choco install eigen

building from source

# clone Eigen
git clone eigen
cd eigen
git checkout 3.4.0

# build Eigen
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

# install Eigen
cmake --install .

Building and Installing PIQP

  • Clone PIQP from Github
    git clone
  • Building and installing PIQP
    cd piqp
    python3 -m pip install .

    This will build and install pipq. Alternatively, also a wheel can be build using

    python3 -m build --wheel

    and then installed using

    python3 -m pip install dist/<build-wheel>.whl